Module:Infobox television season name
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40px | This Lua module is used on many pages, so changes to it will be widely noticed. Please test any changes in the module's /sandbox or /testcases subpages. Please consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
This template uses Module:Arguments, a script written in the Lua programming language. Please see Wikipedia:Lua if you want to learn more about Lua or help convert other templates. |
Module:Infobox television season name is used to validate or create a formatted season link for use in Template:Infobox television season.
{{#invoke:Infobox television season name|isPrevOrNextSeasonLinkValid}}
{{#invoke:Infobox television season name|isPrevSeasonLinkValid}}
{{#invoke:Infobox television season name|isNextSeasonLinkValid}}
{{#invoke:Infobox television season name|getPrevSeasonArticle}}
{{#invoke:Infobox television season name|getNextSeasonArticle}}
{{#invoke:Infobox television season name|getSeasonWord}}
{{#invoke:Infobox television season name|getSubHeader}}
{{#invoke:Infobox television season name|getListOfEpisodes|link}}
Parameter list
The following parameters can be used as named parameters or nameless positional parameters.
Parameter | Explanation | Status |
The title of TV program. If not supplied, will use the article title. | optional |
Only for getListOfEpisodes. The plain link to the list of episode article. If not supplied, will create one based on the series name. | optional |
Function list
Function | Explanation |
Checks if the next or previous season have a created article or redirect. |
Checks if the previous season has a created article or redirect. |
Checks if the next season has a created article or redirect. |
Retrieves the previous season article title. |
Retrieves the next season article title. |
Returns either the word "season" or "series" as used in the disambiguation of the article title. |
Returns the relevant text for the sub-header field. The text is returned in the format of Season # or Series # , depending on either what the article disambiguation uses, or on manually entered parameters of the infobox.
Returns the formatted link to the list of episodes article in the style of: [[List of <series name> <disambiguation if present> episodes <seasons if present>|List of ''<series name>'' episodes <seasons if present>]] . The link will only return if the page exists.
- Code:
{{#invoke:Infobox television season name|isPrevOrNextSeasonLinkValid|title=Dallas (1978 TV series, season 7)}}
- Produces:
- Code:
{{#invoke:Infobox television season name|getPrevSeasonArticle|title=Dallas (1978 TV series, season 7)}}
- Produces:
Season 6
- Code:
{{#invoke:Infobox television season name|getNextSeasonArticle|title=Lost (season 3)}}
- Produces:
Season 4
local match = require("Module:String")._match
local p = {}
--- Returns a formatted link to the list of episodes article.
--- @param listOfEpisodesArticle string
--- @return string
local function getListOfEpisodesLink(listOfEpisodesArticle)
local listOfEpisodesPage =, 0)
if listOfEpisodesPage and listOfEpisodesPage.exists and listOfEpisodesPage.redirectTarget ~= mw.title.getCurrentTitle() then
return string.format("[[%s|List of episodes]]", listOfEpisodesArticle)
--- Returns an article link.
--- @param article string The article's title.
--- @param pipedLink string The piped link.
--- @return string
local function getArticleLink(article, pipedLink)
if not pipedLink or pipedLink == "" then
return "[[" .. article .. "]]"
return "[[" .. article .. "|" .. pipedLink .. "]]"
--- Returns the show name and season number from a title.
--- @param showName string The show's title.
--- @return nil | number | string, nil | number | string
local function getShowNameAndSeasonNumberFromShowName(showName)
local _, _, showNameModified, seasonNumber = string.find(showName, "(.*)%s+(%d+)$")
return showNameModified, seasonNumber
--- Returns the current season number from the disambiguation.
--- @param disambiguation string The article's disambiguation.
--- @return string
local function getCurrentSeasonNumberFromDisambiguation(disambiguation)
return match(disambiguation , "%d+", 1, -1, false, "")
--- Returns the type of word used for "season" in the title.
--- The returned value can be one of three options: "season", "series", "story arc" or "specials".
--- @param title string The article's title.
--- @return string
local function getSeasonType(title)
for _, seasonType in pairs({"season", "series", "story arc", "specials"}) do
if string.find(title, seasonType) then
return seasonType
return "season"
--- Returns the season number from the title.
--- @param title string The article's title.
--- @return string | nil
local function getSeasonNumber(title)
return match(title , "%d+", 1, -1, false, "")
--- Returns the disambiguation from the title.
--- @param title string The article's title.
--- @return string | nil
local function getDisambiguation(title)
local disambiguation = match(title, "%s%((.-)%)", 1, -1, false, "")
if disambiguation and disambiguation == "" then
return nil
return disambiguation
--- Returns the title without its disambiguation.
--- @param title string The article's title.
--- @return string | nil
local function getTitleWithoutDisambiguation(title)
local disambiguation = getDisambiguation(title)
if disambiguation then
return string.gsub(title, "%(" .. disambiguation .. "%)", "")
return title
--- Returns the TV program's disambiguation.
--- @param disambiguation string The disambiguation used in the season's article title.
--- @return string
local function getTVProgramDisambiguation(disambiguation)
if not disambiguation then
return ""
-- Check if the disambiguation is normal 'season #' or 'series #'.
-- If so, remove disambiguation.
if string.match(disambiguation, "^season %d*$") or string.match(disambiguation, "^series %d*$") then
return ""
local disambiguationStyle = " (%s)"
-- Check if the disambiguation is extended and has 'TV series' and isn't just season #.
-- Only leave the TV series disambiguation, not including the season #.
-- Example: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 TV series, season 5) will return '1987 TV series'.
if string.find(disambiguation, "TV series") then
local shortDisambiguation, _ = disambiguation:match("^(.*),")
if shortDisambiguation then
return string.format(disambiguationStyle, shortDisambiguation)
-- Check if the disambiguation is extended with country adjective.
-- Example: The Office (American season 2) will return "American season 2".
-- Keep only country adjective.
local countryDisambiguation = disambiguation:match("^(.*) season %d*") or disambiguation:match("^(.*) series %d*")
local data = mw.loadData("Module:Country adjective")
local valid_result = data.getCountryFromAdj[countryDisambiguation]
-- Check if the country adjective is valid.
if valid_result then
-- Add 'TV series' suffix
return string.format(disambiguationStyle, countryDisambiguation .. " TV series")
-- Not a known disambiguation style. Use whatever was used in the title or manually added.
-- Note: might not be a valid style link.
return string.format(disambiguationStyle, disambiguation)
--- Returns the show's name from the title.
--- @param title string The article's title.
--- @return string
local function getShowName(title)
local name, _ = mw.ustring.gsub(title, "season %d*$", "")
name, _ = mw.ustring.gsub(name, "series %d*$", "")
name, _ = mw.ustring.gsub(name, "specials", "")
name, _ = mw.ustring.gsub(name, "story arc %d*$", "")
name = string.match(name, "^%s*(.-)%s*$") -- Trim spaces.
return name
--- Returns "true" if the given link is valid; nil otherwise.
--- A link is valid in the following cases:
--- -- A season article exists.
--- -- A redirect exists to a season section.
--- A link is invalid in the following cases:
--- -- A season article or redirect do not exist.
--- -- A redirect exists, but it is a general redirect and not for any specific season section.
--- Note: Return values are not booleans as the returned value is used in template space.
--- @param title string The article's title.
--- @return string | nil
local function isLinkValid(title)
local article =
-- Article or redirect do not exist; Not a valid link.
if not article or not article.exists then
return nil
local redirectTarget = article.redirectTarget
-- Article exists and is not a redirect; Valid link.
if not redirectTarget then
return "true"
local fullLink = redirectTarget.fullText
local isSection = fullLink:find("#")
-- Article is a section redirect; Valid link.
if isSection then
return "true"
-- Article is a general redirect; Not a valid link.
return nil
--- Returns a season article title and a piped link.
--- The following are the supported season naming styles:
--- -- Style: <showName> <seasonType> <seasonNumber>
--- Example: Lost season 2.
--- Example: Doctor Who series 2.
--- -- Style: <showName> (<country> TV series) <seasonType> <seasonNumber>
--- Example: The Office (American TV series) season 2.
--- Example: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 TV series) season 2
--- Example: X Factor (British TV series) series 2.
--- Example: Love Island (British TV series) series 2
--- -- Style: <showName> (<year> TV series) <seasonType> <seasonNumber>
--- Example: Love Island (2015 TV series) series 2
--- -- Style: <showName> (<country> <seasonType>)
--- Example: Big Brother 2 (American season).
--- @param title string The article's title.
--- @param seasonNumberDiff number The number difference between the current season and the other season.
--- @return string, string
local function getArticleTitleAndPipedLink(title, seasonNumberDiff)
local seasonType = getSeasonType(title)
local currentSeasonNumber = getSeasonNumber(title)
if tonumber(currentSeasonNumber) == nil then
return "", nil
local seasonNumber = currentSeasonNumber + seasonNumberDiff
local modifiedTitle, numberOfReplacements = string.gsub(title, "%d+$", seasonNumber)
local pipedLink = seasonType:gsub("^%l", string.upper) .. " " .. seasonNumber
local disambiguation = getDisambiguation(title)
-- Titles such as "Big Brother 2 (American season) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 TV series) season 2".
if disambiguation then
local titleWithoutDisambiguation = string.gsub(title, disambiguation, "_DAB_")
modifiedTitle, numberOfReplacements = string.gsub(titleWithoutDisambiguation, "%d+", seasonNumber)
-- Articles, such as "Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series) season 2", that have a number
-- as part of their title will need an additional fix in order for that number not to change.
if numberOfReplacements > 1 then
local titleFix = string.match(title, "%d+", 1)
modifiedTitle = string.gsub(modifiedTitle, "%d+", titleFix, 1)
modifiedTitle = string.gsub(modifiedTitle, "_DAB_", disambiguation)
return modifiedTitle, pipedLink
-- Titles such as "Big Brother Brasil 2".
elseif not string.find(title, seasonType) then
return modifiedTitle, nil
-- Invalid usages of TV series articles with the television season infobox.
elseif disambiguation and string.find(disambiguation, "TV series") and not (string.find(disambiguation, ", season") or string.find(disambiguation, ", series")) then
return "", nil
-- Standard titles such as "Lost season 1".
return modifiedTitle, pipedLink
--- Returns the article's title either from args (usually from /testcases) or from the page itself.
--- @param frame table The frame invoking the module.
--- @return string
local function getTitle(frame)
local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs
local args = getArgs(frame)
if args.italic_title then
return "no"
local title = args.title
if not title then
title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
return title
--- Returns "true" if the given season link is valid; nil otherwise.
--- @param frame table The frame invoking the module.
--- @param seasonNumberDiff number The number difference between the current season and the other season.
--- @return string | nil
local function isSeasonLinkValid(frame, seasonNumberDiff)
local title = getTitle(frame)
local articleTitle, _ = getArticleTitleAndPipedLink(title, seasonNumberDiff)
return isLinkValid(articleTitle)
--- Returns a season article link.
--- @param frame table The frame invoking the module.
--- @param seasonNumberDiff number The number difference between the current season and the other season.
--- @return string
local function getSeasonArticleLink(frame, seasonNumberDiff)
local title = getTitle(frame)
local articleTitle, pipedLink = getArticleTitleAndPipedLink(title, seasonNumberDiff)
return getArticleLink(articleTitle, pipedLink)
--- Returns "true" if the season link for the next season is valid; nil otherwise.
--- @param frame table The frame invoking the module.
--- @return string | nil
function p.isNextSeasonLinkValid(frame)
return isSeasonLinkValid(frame, 1)
--- Returns "true" if the season link for the previous season is valid; nil otherwise.
--- @param frame table The frame invoking the module.
--- @return string | nil
function p.isPrevSeasonLinkValid(frame)
return isSeasonLinkValid(frame, -1)
--- Returns "true" if the season link for the previous or next season is valid; nil otherwise.
--- @param frame table The frame invoking the module.
--- @return string | nil
function p.isPrevOrNextSeasonLinkValid(frame)
if p.isPrevSeasonLinkValid(frame) == "true" then
return "true"
return p.isNextSeasonLinkValid(frame)
--- Returns the next season article title.
--- @param frame table The frame invoking the module.
--- @return string
function p.getNextSeasonArticle(frame)
return getSeasonArticleLink(frame, 1)
--- Returns the previous season article title.
--- @param frame table The frame invoking the module.
--- @return string
function p.getPrevSeasonArticle(frame)
return getSeasonArticleLink(frame, -1)
--- Returns the type of season word used - "season" or "series".
--- @param frame table The frame invoking the module.
--- @return string
function p.getSeasonWord(frame)
local title = getTitle(frame)
title = getTitleWithoutDisambiguation(title)
local seasonType = getSeasonType(title)
return seasonType
--- Returns an {{Italic title}} instance if title qualifies or a blank string.
--- @param frame table
--- @return string
function p.getItalicTitle(frame)
local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs
local args = getArgs(frame)
-- If italic_title is set then "no" is the only valid value.
-- Don't set an italic title.
if args.italic_title then
return ""
local title = getTitle(frame)
title = getShowName(getTitleWithoutDisambiguation(title))
-- If the infobox is used on List of articles don't set an italic title.
-- TODO: this can be fixed in the future but current usages use a manual display title.
if string.find(title, "List of") then
return ""
return frame:expandTemplate{title = "Italic title", args = {string = title}}
--- Returns the text used for the |above= field of the infobox.
--- @param frame table
--- @return string
function p.getAboveTitle(frame)
local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs
local args = getArgs(frame)
local title = getTitle(frame)
title = getShowName(getTitleWithoutDisambiguation(title))
return title
--- Returns the text used for the |subheader= field of the infobox.
--- The text is returned in the format of "Season #" or "Series #",
--- depending on either what the article disambiguation uses, or on the manually entered parameters of the infobox.
--- @param frame table The frame invoking the module.
--- @return string | nil
function p.getSubHeader(frame)
local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs
local args = getArgs(frame)
local seasonType
local seasonNumber
if args.season_number then
seasonType = "Season"
seasonNumber = args.season_number
elseif args.series_number then
seasonType = "Series"
seasonNumber = args.series_number
if not seasonNumber then
local title = getTitle(frame)
local titleWithoutDisambiguation = getTitleWithoutDisambiguation(title)
seasonNumber = getSeasonNumber(titleWithoutDisambiguation)
seasonType = getSeasonType(titleWithoutDisambiguation)
-- For pages like "Doctor Who specials (2008–2010)".
if seasonType == "specials" then
local disambiguation = getDisambiguation(title) or ""
return disambiguation .. " " .. seasonType
seasonType = seasonType:sub(1, 1):upper() .. seasonType:sub(2)
if seasonNumber and seasonNumber ~= "" then
return seasonType .. " " .. seasonNumber
return nil
--- Returns a formatted link to the list of episodes article.
--- The returned link is in the style of:
--- [List of <series name> <disambiguation, if present> episodes <range, if present>|List of episodes]
--- The link will only return if the page exists.
--- @param frame table The frame invoking the module.
--- @return string | nil
function p.getListOfEpisodes(frame)
local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs
local args = getArgs(frame)
if then
-- Parameter should be unformatted.
if string.find(, "%[") then
local delink = require("Module:Delink")._delink = delink({, wikilinks = "target"})
return getListOfEpisodesLink(
local title = getTitle(frame)
local showName = getShowName(getTitleWithoutDisambiguation(title))
if showName then
local disambiguation = getDisambiguation(title)
if disambiguation then
disambiguation = " (" .. disambiguation .. ")"
local listOfEpisodesArticle = string.format("List of %s%s episodes", showName, disambiguation or "")
return getListOfEpisodesLink(listOfEpisodesArticle)
return p